Monday, May 31, 2010

Touch Bionics announces brand new i-LIMB Pulse

Touch Bionics has just announced its latest bionic medical device that ought to stoke the hearts of those looking for an unprecedented, agile yet affordable (relatively speaking, of course) bionic hand known as the i-LIMB Pulse. This will be the next logical as well as evolutionary step forward from the i-LIMB Hand, which incidentally was the first commercially available bionic hand in the world for the masses. The i-LIMB Pulse proves to be a significant advance for the i-LIMB product line, where users will be able to take advantage of a host of enhancements such as pulsing grip strength, software-enabled grip patterns and robust aluminium features for improved strength.

The i-LIMB Pulse certainly has a long pedigreed line which in the past joins a family of products that has been fitted to more than 1,200 patients worldwide. The i-LIMB Pulse is now another option for folks who want something better than the current i-LIMB Hand, where both products are made available to customers depending on the patients’ preferences. Of course, being newer, you can be sure that the i-LIMB Pulse has taken Touch Bionics’ past experiences in the marketplace to come up with a trailblazer of bionic technology and clinical support.
The i-LIMB Pulse relies on Touch Bionics’ patented pulsing technology that will offer increasing and controllable grip strength. Whenever the i-LIMB Pulse closes on an object, you will be able to opt to activate the pulsing feature to apply significant additional grip force, while enabling the device to grasp an object ever more tightly. Thanks to these high-frequency electronic pulses, users are able to indulge in everyday activities such as tying shoelaces or doing-up a belt in a jiffy. This could very well be a prelude to bionic human parts that we’ve seen Anakin Skywalker sport when he had his hand lobbed off by Count Dooku during his younger days, eh? The aluminium chassis enables the i-LIMB Pulse’s robust design to make it the toughest prosthetic device yet from Touch Bionics, where it can carry a load of up to 90kg.

Music For Deaf People Collar

The first time I learned Beethoven had a bit of a hearing problem, I was baffled as to how he managed to go on with his music career.  It’s been said that he listened through vibrations in the floor to discover different things like to find out if the audience really liked his work.  Using vibrations to “hear” isn’t an entirely uncommon concept for anyone who is deaf, which does still make this concept a little odd.  Then again, it’s not exactly far fetched either.  This collar is meant to give music to the deaf by using those vibrations to trigger the right area of the brain, allowing them to listen.

This collar was done by a German designer who wanted the deaf to be able to at least feel the music.  It converts auditory input into vibrations that trigger the same sound-processing area of the brain as someone with functioning hearing.  Whether or not it will really catch on is debatable, but it’s an interesting concept at the very least.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mionix NAOS 3200 gaming mouse ups your game

Or so that is what it is supposed to do. The Mionix NAOS 3200 gaming mouse is the latest bad boy in town, where it is constructed out of purported “carefully selected high-end components.” Not too sure what those components are, but perhaps it is some sort of latent metal that might help provide a faster reaction in your neurons to shoot your opponent before he/she can register which button to press? Well, being a gaming mouse, the Mionix NAOS 3200 comes with standard bells and whistles such as High DPI (up to 3,200 resolution), internal memory that allows you to save various game settings to use it on other computers without having to go through the monotony of setting up the control schemes again, flashy LEDs to look menacing, an adjustable polling rate up to 1000MHz, and 7 buttons that offers added flexibility. It will retail for €55 – any takers?

HANNSsoccer TV

Usually when I see a small TV like this I think of kids rooms, but that’s not necessarily fair.  The serious sports fans could also get a great deal of enjoyment out of a TV with their favorite game for a frame.  Those of you who are soccer or football fans will like this HD TV.  It’s the best way to watch the big game if you don’t really want a massively sized screen or need something smaller for a spot like your garage.

Also with the same sports themes are monitors that feature soccer, basketball and baseball.  The TV itself has noise reduction, a sleep timer and two 10W speakers.  It has a contrast ratio of 10.000:1 and the screen measures 27.5 inches or 70 cm.  You can pick one up through HannSpree for 499,00 € or about $600.

t’Light can charge multiple gadgets

If you’re looking for the most talented light, which who wouldn’t be?!  Well then you’re in luck, because t’Light actually stands for the Most Talented Light.  Not only does this light illuminate your desk, but it also has a little love for your smaller electronics and cuts down on those obnoxious cords.  Don’t worry, it’s not just a concept design either, this one can actually be purchased.

On the top is a 3 watt LED lamp that can last about 50,000 hours worth of usage.  Then on the base itself there’s a handy little iPhone dock.  There’s also a jack powerful enough to power up your laptop and a USB port.  Besides the shiny metal look it comes in several other colors like red, black, a horribly bright green, pink, purple and more.  The whole thing can be purchased for $89.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doctor Who TARDIS Talking Cookie Jar

Fans of Dr. Who will definitely find the Doctor Who TARDIS Talking Cookie Jar to be worth checking out, even more so when you have kids at home who prefer to spoil their appetite just before dinner by sneaking in a couple of cookies into their stomachs without you knowing. However, with the $26.99 Doctor Who TARDIS Talking Cookie Jar, it will emit authentic TARDIS sounds as long as there is enough juice in the trio of 1.5V G13 button cell batteries required to power it. Of course, you can also check out other Dr. Who merchandise that we've covered in the past just in case a cool cookie jar such as this isn’t enough

Tricod Solar Light Pot

Alright so you’re all set with lighting to go all aroung your garden and show off your house, but you need a little something extra for your patio.  This Tricod Orange Solar Bubble Light Pot would look great sitting out on your picnic tables.  It has the same look as a terra cotta pot, but mixes in a little bit of a whisical look with the cute bubbles cut out of it.

With it being meant for the great outdoors, it is of course water resistant.  Which means it can handle rain, but probably won’t do so well being dunked in the pool.  It has a solar panel to keep the included rechargeable Ni-Cd AAA battery up and running.  There is an on/off switch, when it’s on it will only kick on once it senses darkness.  To pick it up it’ll cost you $16.99 through Amazon.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Nokia New Touch-Screen Tablet?

Nokia, working with design and manufacturing partners on a new touch-screen tablet that could emerge as early as this fall? However, Nokia hasn’t announced any news in this regard. quotes Kumar as saying. “This is a new window, and Nokia had better be at the starting gate if and when the product category takes off.”

Nokia isn’t new to portable Internet devices, having in the last five years come out with the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet and subsequent N800, N810, and N900, not to mention the Nokia Booklet 3G Netbook.

It’s unclear whether the alleged Nokia tablet that’s getting ink Tuesday would be a follow-on to that line of devices or a more full-featured direct competitor to the iPad and HP Slate, as well as devices sure to come from the likes of Dell, Lenovo and any of the other companies eyeing tablet territory.

Water Resistant Sony Walkman NWZ-W250 Series

Sony released a new water resistant, wearable Walkman “NWZ-250″. This tiny Walkman comes in both 2GB and 4GB capacity models, and apparently boasts an up to 11 hour battery life.

Weighing in at 43 grams and will be available in black, silver, lime green, and magenta. You’ll be able to pick up one (or more) of these later this month for $60. See the snapshot above.

One All-India 3G License Bids Reach 79 bln Rs

Bids for one set of nationwide third-generation (3G mobile) spectrum license reached 79 billion rupees (1.78 billion in dollars), or 126% above the base price on this thirteenth day of an auction.

The auction started on April 9 and is still on. Till now, 76 rounds of bidding had been completed by Saturday, the Department of Telecommunications said on its website. The base price for one set of pan-India licenses had been set at 35 billion rupees.

Government will sell four such licenses. Three from the auction and one to the state-run telecoms firms who would have to match the highest bid price paid by the private operators. All major mobile operators including Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications and Vodafone’s Indian unit, are participating in the auction.

Let’s see who will win this bid.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Facebook On Android Os

Facebook On Android Os

Facebook is the only Social network in the world that show such dedication to the mobile platform undoubtedly. After being a top app on the iTunes App Store for the iPhone & iPod Touch.

Facebook was also one of the first apps to be integrated inside the Palm Pre. Not losing any time and momentum Facebook is now all set to go official on the Android Market. The official Facebook app for Andriod couldn’t come at a better timer with a plethora of Android devices expected to be released in the coming months.

Initially the Facebook app for the Android isn’t expected to offer as much as it does for the Apple iPhone but it is expected to leverage the Android capabilities well.

India is Developing its Own Operating System

Indian government is busy developing its own Operating System for computers, along with anti virus softwares. The India government has focused on the said softwares owing to the continual attacks on government sites and loss of data.

A lower level operating system and application software may be preferred to the advanced versions, which necessarily require access to internet for upgrades. The new software could be deployed in key departments that have been under constant cyber attacks.

No sensitive information will be stored on systems connected to the internet, while ministries and departments have been told to carry out regular IT systems audits. The government has also established a Crisis Management Plan against cyber attacks to be implemented by all central ministries, state governments and critical sectors.

Earlier CDAC developed an OS called BOSS, short for Bharat Operating System Solutions. The Indian Government has also invested in developing the famous $10 laptop, the ISRO Bhuvan, and a $200 million microprocessor

Four Wheeler Vehicle i.e. Without Engine

Meet Earthmine’s “pedestrian area platform quadracycle.”

Except having a feature to run a four wheeler vehicle on pedel basis, Company claims it’s a way to map areas of the world that can’t be reached by its camera-equipped SUVs. What do you think guys….