Thursday, December 3, 2009

Anonymous browsing with Firefox: Stealther Firefox extension

Now why would you want to surf anonymously? What with the CIA and NSA poking into your phone calls and emails looking for evidence of the terrorist that you are, you think a little bit of anonymity will help you stay out of prison for long? Well, okay, whatever. If anonymous browsing is your thing, and you have already dumped Microsoft Internet Explorer and embraced Firefox, this is probably what you were looking for.

Once you download and install the little Stealther anonymous browsing extension in your Firefox, this is what you get:

Browsing history - poof. Cookies - Poof. Downloaded files history - Poof. You know how Firefox keeps a list of all your previous incriminating downloads in its download history, right? Stealther takes care of that. Saved forms information can be wiped out, and your Firefox will not send any more referral information once Stealther starts protecting your notoriety.

Just remember - your kids will know how to disable this, hack it, and thus discover all your sordid secrets - a fate worse than the CIA discovering your secret fantasies. So, if you don't have kids, and you are paranoid about the spy agencies, the Firefox Stealther extension is there to protect and keep your evil doings anonymous.

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