Monday, September 7, 2009

Maltron keyboard to increase efficiency

The Maltron keyboard is sure to take you by surprise. Even the look of it is a bit absurd. But dont get carried by the awkward look, because this keyboard promise to increase your typing efficiency by 20%. But since efficiency comes at a huge price, the Maltron keyboard is also a bit expensive.

In a normal keyboard, only 8 out of the 10 fingers are of use. But in Maltron keyboard, we can use all our fingers. So naturally, the efficiency increases. The Maltron keyboard also promises to prevent RSI( reprtitive stress injuries).

The Maltron keyboard contains a sophisticated key switch. These are the Cherry MX switches, which are known as the best switches in the world. A Cherry MX is capable of addressing 50 million strokes per key.

The Maltron keyboard promises to reduce the stress injuries caused to our fingers by activating the Cherry MX switches halway through the stroke. This lessens the pressue on the finger and inturn reduces the chance of RSI.

The Maltron keyboard can be connected to PS/2 and USB interfaces. the leyboard also works with PC's, Mac, Unix, and Linux computers. As said earlier, efficiency comes at a price as seen by the fact that the Maltron keyboard is priced at $ 490.

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