Monday, September 7, 2009

Overheating problems in Macbook acknowledged by Apple

And just how! Don't keep your Apple Macbook in your lap, or its overheating could be bad for your privates!

Yes, we have all had laptops, and we have all kept those laptops or notebooks once in a while in our laps while working. You never thought that would be too much of a problem, did you? Well, I am sure some of the more paranoid among you did. Anyway, Apple nowadays tells you explicitly to keep your pretty Macbook away from any 'uncovered part' of your body.

Ever heard of any notebook manufacturer ever coming out with such a specific warning? Nope. But Apple has gone ahead and done it, and all for your own good. Here is the full text of the warning from the Apple manuals: "Prolonged contact with your body could cause discomfort and potentially a burn". Uh oh.

The macbook oveheating problem has been widely discussed over the last few weeks - and some say it is shoddy application of thermal paste inside that has created the problem. So guys and gals, don't keep your Macbooks in your lap. Most of you are not in the habit of working your laptop while naked below the waist - so the warning from Apple about overheating really may not seem to apply to you. Your lap is hardly likely to be an uncovered part while working, and the heat may not be felt through your trousers and boxers, and it may still take a while to cook your privates, so why take that risk? Keep that overheating Macbook on the table, I say.

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