Monday, September 7, 2009

Uranium jeans displays messages over Uranus

French brand Uranium Jeans has created jeans which displays scrolling text messages on the backside.

Sorry about the headline. Better we write it before someone else does it.

We have all been unaware of this particular beand of jeans. Uranium? Means, are there uranium mines, and these are jeans which workers in such uranium mines would wear? We have no idea.

Anyway what we have here is jeans that have 'embedded flexible micro screens'. I suppose it means that even if you sit on Uranus (sorry!), the micro screens are not going to break. These micro screens in Uranium jeans will display scrolling text messages on the backside. Those customers who buy these jeans with screens will be able to download, we suppose, smart-alecky comments from the Uranium jeans website, or alternatively, display text messages using SMS from their mobile phones.

French are known for their taste. Whatever got them into something like this? We have heard that Uranium jeans with these display messaging capability will be available for US $ 300 in the US of A, though we can't be sure on that.

Who would the potential customers be? I can instantly think of traffic policemen with 'STOP' messages on their backsides, but cops don't wear jeans. Perhaps a Gwen Stefanie fan, with her refrain 'this my **it' over her Uranus? Possibilities, possibilities!

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